My story with German Shepherds started in 1980. It has continued incessantly till today. The first female dog I had was the sable Kama Kręta Rzeka. Every year, between 1980-1988, I took part in national dog exhibitions with the following dogs: Emma Unikat, Moneta Woj-Bas, Cera Napór and Czika Napór.
The year 1988 was decisive. I brought to my breeding the seven-year old Perła z Tuszyńskiego Lasu that was the daughter of Kundo v.d. Murrehutte and Ines z Tuszyńskiego Lasu. Perła was the dog of outstanding psyche and mediocre build. It was that dog that I based my breeding on. Perła with Yard od Lutomierska gave birth to Eda and Eszi Napór. Now, Perła can be traced in the 5-7th generation of my dogs. In my breeding I use male and female dogs that can be distinguished by excellent psyche, great temperament and extraordinary predispositions to detection and pro-About metection work. Brought from Slovakia Bob (Bond), Besie Cul-Bo SK and Urx Pet-Keram inducted fresh blood into my breeding. Purchased in the Czech Republic Chasso Niox and Chris z Daskonu are the dogs with brilliant protection characteristics. They are the so called “warriors” and “fetchers”. Bob and Besie are the offspring of Tom z Pohrnanicni Straże and the grandchildren of Cordon An-Sat and Car z Kastolanskiej Cesty. Aridon Snehulienka is the father of Urx Pet-Keram Aridon in turn leads the genetic path of Grischa von Schwarzen Milan. Chasso Niox inherited his urge to fight from his father Quinto z Daskonu and grandfather Dark Gymor. Seiko v.d. Burg Haidstein is the father of Chris. Quassy v.d. bösen Nachbarschaft and Illo v.d. Abfuhr are his grandfathers.
A large number of dogs from my breeding, aged 12-24 months finds application in police and army in the USA, Canada, Poland and many other countries. They detect drugs and explosives. In addition to this, they are used as patrol/tracker dogs. Apart from the relevant genetic predispositions that are required for a dog to serve in the above mentioned services, training is also significant. That’s why, systematic training begins already since the second month of puppy’s life. My goal is to bring up and train dogs to such an extent, that if it was possible to relate it to humans, the dog would hold an academic title, be an Olympian and virtuoso.
I have worked in Police for 22 years. Now, I am retired. I was the coordinator of K-9 dogs in the Crime Detection Lab in Regional Police Headquarters in Sieradz.
I supervised issues of working dogs in that department. Apart from that, I prepared and led a three person-team with patrol/tracker dogs. The team won the 1st place in 1998 and 1999 in the Poland Police Dog Championships in Sułkowice. Moreover,
Prize collection – 1998
in 1999 during the same championships, handlers from my squad, together with their dogs won two first prizes in the patrol and obedience category. Roman Krzywański with his dog Jachim from the County Police Headquarters in Sieradz won the whole championships in the individual category.
What’s more, I led the Human Scent Research Lab of the Department of Criminalistics of the Regional Police Headquarters in Łódź. The laboratory, that headquarters were in Sieradz, utilized specialized dogs.
I gained experience during my work with Police dogs of various specializations (detecting drugs, explosives, human scents, corps as well as patrol/tracker dogs). Now, that knowledge helps me to match dogs of individual characteristics with proper specialization. I recall those 22 years very nicely.
Breeding and training German Shepherds has always been my passion. I hope to continue my story with those animals. Feel free to explore my website. The best way to contact me is via phone.